Payment & Security (NYA)
Currency of Transactions
All prices listed on our site are in Swedish Krona (SEK), Euro (€) and US dollars ($) . If the currency converter has been selected to display in a currency other than Swedish Krona (SEK) then be aware that the price shown might not be the same price charged to your credit card or Klarna account. Therefore due to exchange rate fluctuations and any fees and charges determined by your credit card company, Klarna or the payment provider you choose, the final amount charged to your card can not be predetermined if your card is not Swedish Krona (SEK) denominated
To help ensure that your shopping experience is safe, simple and secure, Reyrr Athletics uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. This encrypts and protects the data you send to us over the internet. If SSL is enabled then you will see a padlock at the top of your browser and you can click on this to find out information about the SSL digital certificate registration. You will also notice that when you look at the location (URL) field at the top of the browser you will see it begin with ‘https:’ instead of the normal ‘http:’. This indicates that you are in secure mode.
We accept Klarna, Swish, Visa, MasterCard, American Express credit cards and PayPal. Purchases made through the online store will be instantly charged to your provided credit card if you don't choose " Betala senare" with Klarna. Credit card and order data is encrypted and secure. Our shopping cart is hosted on Shopify. It is Level 1 PCI compliant and uses 256-bit SSL certificates to keep order details secure.